What is your primary goal for this permeation study?

If you are developing a new formula and want to test the efficacy of the portotypes, or

if you want to increase customer product confidence with scienbtific data,

you can save time and money with a standrd protocol.

Formulating a new product

Optimizing the formula based on permeation studies.

Writing a technical file

Proving the permeation promotion or barrier effect for product authorization.

Building the product trust

Communicating the product’s efficacy with laboratory data.

How many analytes do you need to test?

If you have a tentative number of analytes to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.

If you know the exact number of analytes, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.

How many formulations do you need to test?

If you have a tentative number of formulations to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.

If you know the exact number of formulations, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.

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along with a 10% discount on your next study.

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Food and Foodstuffs
Medical Devices