It is not easy to recover delays and miscommunication.

permeation study problems, limitations and errors: Avoiding the Common Mistakes and Getting the Results You Need

and reach new customers with your products.

Learn More About Permeation Studies

As a company manager, you face the daunting task to deliver. Always. This sometimes means to outsource tasks out of your company.

Permeation studies are the perfect example of those task, which require highly trained professionals with specialized equipment.

While outsourcing permeation studies, is crucial to assess the potential pitfalls to minimize risks, so that you can timely complete your project and deliver.

Technical and scientific challenges of IVPT and permeation studies: from your point of view

Permeation studies or IVPT are a mix of intellectual and manual labour that if poorly performed can pose significant hurdles for you and your goals. Some example of the labour involved:

  1. Bibliographic search for the reference molecules.
  2. LogP analysis of the analytes. 
  3. Solubility studies.
  4. Membrane integrity evaluation.
  5. Preparation of solutions and tissues.
  6. Development of the calibration curve.
  7. Execution of the absorption model with Franz Cells.
  8. Qualitative/Quantitative determination.
  9. Reporting.

Flaws in the experimental design, improper sample or membrane preparation, handling or storage can lead to inaccurate and unreliable results, jeopardizing product development or approval, your work and potentially putting consumers at risk.

Your management decision: a critical factor

The success of permeation studies or IVPT depends certainly on the scientific expertise but also on your capabilities to effectively oversee the whole information transferring between your company and the outsourced lab. To appoint an external lab lacking project management experience may lead to miscommunication and missed deadlines, forcing you to step in and mange the processes. To appoint a lab with low technical know-how may lead to flaws in the study design, cost overruns, and ultimately, study failure.

Academic Labs: A Double-Edged Sword

Academic laboratories often possess deep scientific and technical know-how, access to cutting-edge research facilities, and in general the ability to design a tailored and authoritative experimental protocol either if no references are found in the literature. However, their management expertise and communication capabilities may not be as refined and robust to match enterprises standards. Miscommunications is one of the main risks in technology transfer projects, potentially leading to delays and ultimately, failed projects, and as such requires the allocation of specific resources to carefully manage the communications, prevent the potentials risks and control the damage in the worst case scenario.

Private Companies: A Balance Between Expertise and Know-how

Private companies typically excel in project management and communication, ensuring that permeation studies or IVPT are completed efficiently and in time. However, their scientific knowledge may not be as authoritative as that of academic labs. Private labs, works according their internal protocols, which make them authoritative and fast, as long as your product can be tested according those protocols. In case your product would need a tailored experimental procedure these labs, usually require assistance from an academic lab to tailor a new protocol.

Navigating the Technology Transfer Maze

Technology transfer, the process of transferring knowledge and expertise from one organization to another, plays a crucial role in successful permeation studies and IVPT. Permeation studies fall under the category of technology transfer activates and if poorly planned can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and failures.

Consequences of Failure: A Manager’s Responsibility

For managers, the consequences of failed permeation studies are far-reaching. Missed deadlines can disrupt product development timelines, while inaccurate or unreliable data can lead to costly product recalls or even safety hazards. Managers must take ownership of these risks and ensure that outsourced labs are thoroughly vetted and adequately supervised.

Embracing a Collaborative Approach

Effective permeation studies require a collaborative approach between the company and the external lab. Continuous communication, regular progress checks, and open feedback loops are essential for identifying and addressing potential issues promptly.

Conclusion: Seeking Expertise and Confidence

Permeation studies are critical for ensuring the efficacy, safety, and consumer appeal of various products. By selecting the right external lab, establishing clear expectations, and fostering open communication, company managers can confidently navigate the complexities of permeation studies and reap the benefits of valuable data. Remember, outsourcing should empower, not hinder, your product development journey.

Technology Scientific is the SME born as an
  academic spin-off
our in vitro
permeation studies are used by
top companies and startups

Permeation study Packages Pricing

Every study includes

  1. Bibliographic research experimental protocol.
  2. Design, according to OECD guidelines.
  3. Franz cell selection, cell geometry.
  4. Membranes, artificial or ex vivo (animals).
  5. Test execution and permeation evaluation.
  6. Drafting of the report and delivery.


1 analyte in 1 formulation

€ 3500

Updates: in real time

Email support: unlimited


Mobile assistence

Express delivery


Most requested


3 analytes in 1 formulations

€ 7750

Updates: in real time

Email support: unlimited

Validation: according ICH

Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes


Express delivery

Most requested


6 analytes in 2 formulations

€ 11650

Updates: in real time

Email support: unlimited

Validation: according ICH

Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes


Express delivery

Most requested



1 analyte in 1 formulation

€ 8199

Updates: in real time

Email support: unlimited

Validation: according ICH

Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes


Express delivery

Most requested

Take the quiz below and find out now what is the best permeation package for you

What is your primary goal for this permeation study?

If you are developing a new formula and want to test the efficacy of the portotypes, or

if you want to increase customer product confidence with scienbtific data,

you can save time and money with a standrd protocol.

Formulating a new product

Optimizing the formula based on permeation studies.

Writing a technical file

Proving the permeation promotion or barrier effect for product authorization.

Building the product trust

Communicating the product's efficacy with laboratory data.

How many analytes do you need to test?

If you have a tentative number of analytes to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.

If you know the exact number of analytes, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.

How many formulations do you need to test?

If you have a tentative number of formulations to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.

If you know the exact number of formulations, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.

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