People trust products with scientifically proven efficacy.

Prove your products efficacy
with our Preclinical studies

Get quickly the testing report and watch your products trust grow

Step one: You get in touch with us

Step two: We design, execute and deliver the testing campaign & the report

Step three: Now people trust more your products


We have over 20 years of experience with preclinical testing. When you work with Technology Scientific you save time & money

You know how valuable are fast results, what you dont know how fast is with Technology Scientific. We are specialist of product validation, in vitro and in vivo studies.

Call us

Tell us your needs,
we will design a targeted testing campaign.

Testing campaign

We will execute the testing campaign & deliver the testing report in no time.

Watch the results

When you develop authoritative testing data, people trust more your product.

What Does Working With

Technology Scientific

Look likes?


Working with Technology Scientific is simple, we execute all the tests in house. No third party involved,
You only deal with one partner.


Unlike other contract service solutions you have tried, Technology Scientific won’t waste your time or our own.
We are obsessed with fast results for clients.


After you prove your product efficacy with Technology Scientific, the trust in your brand will surpass competitors.
Your product reputation will spread while you sleep.

How you grow people trust in your supplements and
medical devices

You know the value of people trust, now it’s time to prove your products deserve it.
Here is how a testing campaign works with Technology Scientific:

Enzyme activity assay

Your product promote or inhibit a specific enzyme. Let us know what it is, we will select the protocol and prove how your it improves the health.

In vivo studies

Your product efficacy is proven in vitro. Is now time to prove it in a complex model. Animal studies provide the most authoritative data among all the preclinical testing.

Technology Scientific state-of-the-art
testing is used by
top company and startups

You need quick data on permeation.

Permeation Studies

How? You tell us what test you need, we will quickly design, execute it and deliver the permeation report.