Step one: You get in touch with us
Step two: We design, execute & deliver the permeation testing & the report
Step three: You get fast regulatory approval and higher people trust
substance based medical device permeation and substance based medical device absorption are substance based medical device in vitro which need medical device test together with medical device in vitro according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and CE 2017/745.
Have you ever been frustrated by collaborations that:
Are slow to respond to your emails?
Do not take deadlines seriously?
Do make you waste time with studies that are not specific to natural substances?
When you work with Technology Scientific
you save time & money
You know how valuable are fast results, what you dont know how fast is with Technology Scientific. We have over 20 years of experience in vitro permeation studies.
substance based medical device permeation and substance based medical device absorption are substance based medical device in vitro which need medical device test together with medical device in vitro according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and CE 2017/745.
Easy online ordering
Schedule a free online consultancy an tell us your needs,
we will design the protocol for your permeation test.
Permeation tests
We will execute the permeation test in no time, and deliver you with the testing report.
Watch the results
Inspire trust and get regulatory bodies approve faster your products.
What Does Working With
Technology Scientific
Look likes?
Working with Technology Scientific is simple, we execute the permeation test in our laboratories. No third parties involved.
You only deal with one partner.
Unlike other contract service solutions you have tried, Technology Scientific won’t waste your time or our own.
We are obsessed with fast results for clients.
The permeation test report is easy to reed so that you can compile your technical file faster, confidence in your products will grow and you will surpass competitors.
We know you need the approval of the notified body to bring your products to the market.
The problem is that relying on external laboratories, maybe authoritative but with little experience in management, can quickly become frustrating.
We, at Technology Scientific, believe that planning is just as important as competence. For this reason, thanks to our 20 years of experience in in vitro permeation studies and technology transfer, we design studies with realistic results that meet deadlines.
With Technology Scientific, you will abandon the frustration and quickly reach new customers with your products.
Here is how a permeation test worksÂ
Technology Scientific CDMO
permeation test substance based medical device permeation and substance based medical device absorption are substance based medical device in vitro which need medical device test together with medical device in vitro according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and CE 2017/745.
- Bibliographic research for the experimental protocol.
- Design according to OECD 428 guidelines and EU 2017/745.
- Selection of Franz cell, cell geometry.
- Selection of membranes, artificial or ex vivo.
- Test execution and permeation evaluation.
- Report writing and delivery.
- Specificity: with spectroscopic methods.
- Accuracy: by permeation values of bibliographic data, standard and product analytes.
- Precision: deviation standard ≤5%.
- Detection Limit: lowest amount of detectable analyte.
- Quantitation Limit: lowest amount of quantifiable analyte.
- Linearity: by the correlation coefficient of the calibration curve.Â
- Range: by concentration interval with suitable precision, accuracy and linearity.
- Robustness: with pH, temperature, concentrations small variations.
- Receipt of testing products.
- Start of the experimental activities.
- End of the experimental activities.
- Start of the reporting.
- Closure, you receive the report.Â
Technology Scientific in vitro
permeation testing is used by
top company and start-up
substance based medical device permeation and substance based medical device absorption are substance based medical device in vitro which need medical device test together with medical device in vitro according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and CE 2017/745.
What you need to do when working with
Technology Scientific:
Easy online order, just schedule a free online consultancy or take the quiz below and find out now which is the best permeation study for you and receive a 10% discount on your first permeation study.
Ship the product to be tested and the reference samples to use as standards.
We will take care from here. With Technology Scientific permeation studies, your products will reach your customers faster.
Permeation studies Packages Pricing
Every study includes
- Bibliographic research experimental protocol.
- Design, according to OECD guidelines.
- Franz cell selection, cell geometry.
- Membranes, artificial or ex vivo (animal).
- Test execution and permeation evaluation.
- Drafting of the report and delivery.
1 analyte in 1 formulation
€ 3500
Updates: in real time
Email support: unlimited
Mobile assistence
Express delivery
Most requested
3 analytes in 1 formulations
€ 7750
Updates: in real time
Email support: unlimited
Validation: according ICH
Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes
Express delivery
Most requested
6 analytes in 2 formulations
€ 11650
Updates: in real time
Email support: unlimited
Validation: according ICH
Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes
Express delivery
Most requested
1 analyte in 1 formulation
€ 8199
Updates: in real time
Email support: unlimited
Validation: according ICH
Mobile consultancy: 30 minutes
Express delivery
Most requested
Take the quiz below and find out now what is the best permeation package for you and receive a 10% discount on your first study
What is your primary goal for this permeation study?
If you are developing a new formula and want to test the efficacy of the portotypes, or
if you want to increase customer product confidence with scienbtific data,
you can save time and money with a standrd protocol.
Formulating a new product
Optimizing the formula based on permeation studies.
Writing a technical file
Proving the permeation promotion or barrier effect for product authorization.
Building the product trust
Communicating the product's efficacy with laboratory data.
How many analytes do you need to test?
If you have a tentative number of analytes to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.
If you know the exact number of analytes, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.
How many formulations do you need to test?
If you have a tentative number of formulations to test, move the sliders to the corresponding range.
If you know the exact number of formulations, overlap both sliders to the corresponding number.
Receive 10% discount
Fill out the form to find out what the best permeation package is for you,
receive the results in your inbox,
along with a 10% discount on your next study.
We value your privacy and will not leak your email nor spam your inbox.
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Medical Devices
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